Configuring your Hotmail Email account in MS Outlook 2013 is quite easy. You just need to have correct email configuration settings. To know about the correct email settings and how to connect your Hotmail Email account in MS Outlook 2013, you can follow the step-by-step information provided below in this guide.
Steps to Connect Hotmail Account in MS Outlook 2013
NOTE: Before following the instructions, make sure you have Outlook installed on your computer and you have a Hotmail email account.
1.) Launch Outlook 2013 on your computer and click on the File menu option and then select Add Account option.
2.) Under Add Account option, select the option – Manual setup or additional server types and click on the Next button.
3.) Now, select the option – POP or IMAP and click on the Next button.
4.) Next, you will need to enter the following email settings information on the POP and IMAP Account Settings screen.
• Go to the Your Name box and enter your name as you wish it to get displayed to the recipients.
• Next, go to the Email Address box and enter your email address, for example, enter [email protected]
• Then, in the Account Type section, select the POP3 option.
• After that, go to Incoming mail server box, enter
• Then in the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) box, enter
• In the User Name section, enter your MSN account name.
• In the Password section, enter your MSN password.
• Make sure to select the checkbox next to the option Remember Password if you wish to save it.
• Make sure that the checkbox next to the option – Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA) is unchecked.
• Next, click on the More Settings option and go to the Outgoing Server tab. Then select the checkbox next to My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.
• After that, go to the Advanced tab in the same box and select the checkbox next to the option – This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL) located under Incoming Server (POP3).
NOTE: Make sure to set the Incoming Server (POP3) port to 995.
• Select the TLS option under Use the following type of encrypted connection under the Outgoing server (SMTP) and then click on the OK button.
NOTE: Make sure that you have set the Port to 25 for Outgoing Server (SMTP). However, if Port 25 is blocked in the network by your Internet Service Provider, you can use 587 as the SMTP Port.
5.) After that, click on the Test Account Settings option located on the right side of the POP and IMAP Account Settings screen.
If you don’t see any error in the test result, it means you have correctly set up your email account. Simply click on the Next button and then on the Finish button. However, if you see any error in the test result, make sure you have entered all the information correctly and then again perform the test by clicking on the Test Account Settings option.
And, this is how you can easily connect to Hotmail Email account in MS Outlook 2013.
If you find any issues for the above steps, you can dial a Hotmail customer support toll-free number.