Earlier, an email user needs to make use of an email client in order to get access to their different email accounts from a single platform, however, now Gmail also allows users to add their other email accounts to Gmail and manage them using Gmail account only. If you are using a Gmail account and wish to add your other email account in Gmail, you can do so by following the instructions provided below.
Guide to Manage Multiple Email Account in Gmail
STEP 1: Make Changes to the Settings in Your Other Account
NOTE: Make sure your other email accounts have POP access before you change your Gmail settings.
1.) On your computer, open a web browser and sign in to your Gmail account.
2.) Click on the Gear icon located on the top-right corner of your Gmail account’s page. A drop-down menu will appear on the screen.
3.) From the drop-down menu, you will need to select the Settings option. You will be taken to the Settings page of your Gmail account.
4.) On the Settings page, go to the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab and select the option which reads “Enable POP for all mail”.
NOTE: Make sure to select the option “Keep Gmail’s copy in the inbox” option located next to “When messages are accessed with POP” option.
5.) Once you are done making the recommended changes, click on the Save Changes option.
STEP 2: Make Changes to Gmail Settings
1.) In your Gmail account, go to the Settings page and select the Accounts and Import tab.
2.) Under the Accounts and Import page, go to the “Check mail from other accounts’ section and click on the “Add a mail account” option. This will open a box on your screen.
3.) In the prompted box, you will be asked to enter the email address of the account you wish to add to your Gmail account.
4.) Once you have entered the email address, click on the Next button. Then, make a selection and again click on the Next button.
5.) After that, enter your password and make sure to select the checkboxes next to the following options:
- Always use a secure connection (SSL) when retrieving mail
- Label incoming messages
NOTE: Keep the other boxes unchecked.
6.) After that, simply click Add Account button and you are done.
And this is how you can manage multiple email accounts in your Gmail account. If you need further assistance regarding any query or issue related to Gmail, you can reach our Gmail Customer Support team via our toll-free phone number, live chat, or email support option. All our communication lines are open 24 by 7.